Ingredients list for "Guess the Ingredients" contest!

Picture # 1
Boiled corn, home made baked fries, "topless burger" (half bun, beef & veal) topped with fresh bacon, gruyere cheese and our special sauce (tamari, teryaki, ketchup & Worcestershire sauce combined)

Picture # 2
Stewed cherry tomatoes with olive oil and fresh Basil, BBQ'd meat loaf (veal, red peppers, egg, seasoning), molded Rice Pilaf (long grain rice, corn, celery & spinach)

Picture # 3
Grilled strip loin steak with grilled shrimp, chive butter, buttered baby potatoes, sugared carrots - decorated with a chive flower

Picture # 4
Crispy chicken, baked Zucchini and sweet potato fries

And the winner is............. CAROLE ! (Carole, please contact me so I can email you your gift: Jump Into My Kitchen pdf book: June/July 2011 - full of summer recipes!)


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