Jerusalem Artichoke and Daikon Soup


A radish of a variety with a large slender white root that is typically eaten cooked, esp. in Eastern cuisine, and is also used for fodder.
 (from Japanese 大根, literally "large root")
Daikon: Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Time: 20 minutes
Effort: Easy
Serves: 2

1 medium sized Daikon, peeled and quartered
6 Jerusalem artichokes, peeled and quartered
2 cups beef or chicken broth
1 cup water (you might not use it all)
Salt & pepper to taste
1 tsp freshly chopped parsley

Peel and quarter the Daikon and Jerusalem artichokes and cook them in the broth until soft. Strain, keeping the broth for later. Using a food processor, puree the vegetables and return them to the broth. It may be rather thick, so adjust the consistency to your liking by adding some water. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer on medium/low heat until you are ready to serve. Serve with a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley. Delicious hot or cold ! (Try serving with a tbsp of plain yogurt if serving cold!)


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