Pork Scallops in Creamy Red Wine Sauce

Time: 20 minutes
Effort: Easy
Serves: 4

8 pork scallops (you can substitute with Veal)
1-2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup red wine
1/2 heavy cooking cream
Salt & pepper to taste

Melt the butter in a large skillet until very hot. Add 2-3 scallops (depending on the size of your skillet) and quickly brown each side (about 2 minutes per side), remove them to a plate, and repeat with the rest of the scallops. Turn the heat to medium and add the wine and salt and pepper to taste. Scrape the bottom of the pan so that it blends with the wine, simmer for a couple of minutes then mix in the cream. Turn to low, and add the scallops. Turn them over a couple of times but do not cook for more than another minute or two or they will be over done !

Nutrition Per Serving:
Calories  472.5
Total Fat 41.2 g
Cholesterol 130 mg
Sodium 675.8 mg
Potassium 375 mg
Total Carbohydrate 1.3g
Protein 18.6 g


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