Nepalese Coconut Rice Pudding
I am back home. I am back to school. I am back to "normal". Although I have gained so much memories and knowledge about the world and myself that I can barely consider my new normal to the old normal. I look at everything with a new perception and has everything a new meaning. This one month was not long but it definitely had a huge impact on my life. I loved being in Nepal!!! I love Nepal and I cannot wait to go back :) India is awaiting for me, as well...although it is SO not the place to travel to alone. I was alone in my adventure only for 3 days in India and it wasn't the best idea!! Even though I did meet with new friends along the way... :) But if you are wondering to have a trip to India alone, I would not recommend it. Except for going on a retreat. That is different. And maybe it was only Delhi. So my not recommendation goes to only Delhi :) Could I be more confusing?? hahaaaha
So about the rice pudding. I am such a rice pudding junkie! I have always loved it, it was in fact, my favorite food ever for a veeery long time when I was little :) I still love it but I know I should not eat it very often due to the sugar, milk and rice combination. It is not for the dieters :) But every so often, who cares, right? It is the ideal comfort food! For me, at least :) So when I learned that Nepal has its own rice pudding, I was eager to try it out! Would you guess that someone put black pepper in the rice pudding?? Yep, that is right, this recipe calls for black pepper!! Whole or grind, doesn't matter...Also, this kind has lots of coconut and nuts and raisins in it! I wasn't totally sure it's gonna turn out to be any good but surprise surprise...this rice pudding is even MORE delicious than my beloved original one! So I can recommend this yummylisciousness to everyone who has a thing for milky desserts! Yes, and I even make up words for describing it! :)
Nepalese Coconut Rice Pudding
for a big family
3 tablespoons butter
2,5 cups rice
3 liters milk
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon black pepper
100 grams unsweetened shredded coconut
raisins - as desired
nuts - cashew and peanuts, as desired
This is the diced coconut mix that anyone could buy in Nepal, although I highly doubt anyone out of Nepal can easily get access to it. This mix has the diced coconut, some peanuts, some cashew, raisins and a type of dried fruit that I have no idea about. I tried to ask what it was but nobody could translate it to me to English so that is a secret ingredient :)
Melt the butter in a big saucepan. Add the rice and fry it for 5 minutes.
After frying the rice, add the diced coconut-nuts mixture and fry for 5 more minutes.
Now it's time to add the milk but do it gradually. Add only 1 liter at first, cook it for 10 minutes. Add the shredded coconut and then add 1 more liter and cook for half an hour. Add sugar and pepper.
Now it should be thick and creamy and it's time to add the 3rd liter of milk. Cook for 10-15 minutes more or until the rice is cooked and it is very thick.
This is the consistency you need. It will be oh-my-god-its-so-good! :)
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