Jaffa cake

jaffa torta

1. Make a sponge cake with cocoa. (Ingredients for the base sponge cake: 6 egg, 30 dkg flour, 37,5 dkg sugar, 6 tbs hot water, 1 dl milk, 1 tsp baking powder, 3 tbs cocoa powder)

2. Mix a cottage cheese cream from 25 dkg Hungarian cottage cheese, 20 dkg icing sugar, 1 pack vanilla sugar, 15 dkg butter, 1 tbs sour cream.

3. If the cake sheet is cold smear with the cottage cheese cream.

4. Cook "jaffa cream" from 1 pack instant vanilla pudding, 1 or 1,5 dl jaffa (orange) syrup and 3 dl water. Add sugar to taste and finally carefully cover the cake with the "jaffa cream".

5. Serve, but before take some photos about your work! :)

Jaffa torta

Bon Apetit!


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